Hi there. it's true... i really hate....
i mean love this movie.
Its the kind of movie that i can go on watching over n over again :)
I quite liked the premise of the movie,
with Julia Stiles (as Katerine Stratford) the perfect teen angst, that too a girl, oh boy is she angry !!!
And her sister, one of the most fabulous looking girls i have ever seen on-screen, Lerisa Oleynik as Bianca Stratford (does it ring any bells ???)(this question is only for my specific targeted audience).
Quoting from the movie itself :-
"...Your missing the point. I mean look at her....just look at her...
her eyes, her smile, the way she looks...i mean she is totally pure !!!"
...and goes her bedazzled lover, Joseph Gordon-Levitt (as Cameron James).
God she looks amazing, in that sunflower dress, as a matter of fact in that Red dress of hers,
and oh not to forget that pink prom dress of hers.... a princess in her own right !!!
I mean if u look into her deep round smiling eyes, dare u not fall for her.
On the other hand, her mutant sister is a born rebellion of sorts. Harder to crack than to soften i would say !!!
The Dad is also one character m sure most of us can identify !!!
Larry Miller as Walter Stratford plays the role of a single and completely off the hook father.
i mean there are limits to prevent your daughter from dating,
and he shows them to us :)
Heath Ledger plays Patrick Verona, the perfect chael chabeela of the film,
the only guy that has the guts to take on the shrew that Julia is !
Memorable role it was, the best part i liked was when he sung a song to her in the playground,
complete with an 'inhouse' orchestra ! Watch it to feel it. M sure if any girl wud have been
in her place, she must have felt like a princess !!! Dumbfounded by the charisma that it holds
to be vowed by someone like this, and that too for a girl of her reputation of 'tempestuous' ( a synonym is used by her councellor in place of this word, for her. But m not telling u that. Must watch it believe it !!!)
The plot begins to thicken when the rules of the house change.
" Old rules are out. This is how we do it now.
Bianca gets to date...

........................ if she (Julia aka Katerine) dates. " - father
" But she is a mutant. What if she never dates ?!?!?!?!?!???" - Bianca
" Then u dont date... oh i like the sound of that" (grins mercilessly) - father
I insist this movie is a must watch. I myself have watched it 2 and half times within only two days of knowing that this picture exists, and that consists of downloading a 700 MB file as well.
Now m on the lookout for Its complete soundtrack. Have searched a bit on the net,
havn't had much luck though, but still, if u find any of it, do let me know.
Will be waiting...tcao :)
"I hate the way you talk to me, and the way you cut your hair;
I hate the way you drive my car, I hate it when you stare.
I hate your big dumb combat boots,
And the way you read my mind.
I hate you so much it makes me sick;
It even makes me rhyme.
I hate the way you're always right,
I hate it when you lie,
I hate it when you make me laugh;
Even worse when you make me cry.
I hate it that you're not around,
And the fact that you didn't call.
But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you;
Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all. "
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