I have been thinking quite a lot about this lately !!!!
when one does not get what one wants, what should one do ???
the obvious answer is - move on . But easier said than done !
what makes you stay with that thing,
the very thought of having it with you,
owning it keeps lingering in your mind.
No matter how much you try, it persists....
and the more it persists, the more it hurts,
the more it pains, and your longing for it increases day by day,
you crave for it every second !!!
you try to persuade yourself, punish yourself,
hurt yourself, deny yourself...and yet...it haunts you !!!
is it love ? is it obsession ?
is it stupidity ? or is it determination ?
or mere suffering in the hands of the one you love ???
the one thing you like !?!?!?
What is it that makes a man conquer huge armies, overcome storms,
rule the animals, and yet, bow down.
are they emotions, are they realtions
or one's own hidden factions !!!
What is it ???
When u get what u want, but not what you need,
and your longing doesnt end !!!
grows without bounds,
consuming your each and every thought,
feeding on your emotions,
eating you day and night from within !!!
tell me.....what is it ???
tell me..... what should one do ???
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